
Pastoral Care of Older Adults is unavailable, but you can change that!

More than half of mainline Protestants are over the age of sixty. Older adults have special needs to which many pastors are not adequately prepared to minister. Pastoral Care of Older Adults addresses such problems, many of which were identified in an extensive survey of clergy. The book provides practical guidance for parish pastors, and other counselors, to deal with such issues as Alzheimer’s...

an opportunity to straightforwardly address issues of faith with them. C. S. Lewis said it well when he wrote, “Pain is God’s megaphone to a deaf world.” In our work, we’ve found that persons who become angry at God or turn away from spiritual matters when bad things happen often did not have a truly meaningful relationship with God prior to these events. Seen positively, such traumatic, stressful events may be the catalyst leading to a new or renewed faith relationship for an elderly person. Those
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